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Air Rinser & Overflow Filler

Air rinsers are a key component of many packaging lines. They ensure the containers you’re using are cleaned and contaminant-free, and if your facility keeps bottles in storage before filling them with product, it’s imperative that you use these machines for your line. In order to run a successful packaging line, your facility will need several pieces of equipment, and an air rinser is just the first step. You’ll also need things like a liquid filling machine, a capping machine, a labeler and conveyors.

How Do Bottle Cleaners Work?

Air rinsers, also called bottle cleaners, work by passing the containers through a vortex curtain of ionized air, generated by a transvector and an MED static control bar. The ionized vortex neutralizes the static charge that attracts dust and other debris to the surface of the containers. When the static is neutralized, the dust and contaminants can be easily vacuumed out. For that, a self-centering head is lowered into the containers, and a controlled burst of HEPA-filtered air is injected. Then, a vacuum removes the loosened debris, rendering the container clean and ready to be filled. Air rinsers can be used for containers that hold any number of different products, including beverages, food products, personal care products, chemicals, pharmaceuticals and more.

Different Types of Liquid Filling Machinery

At E-PAK Machinery, we offer a variety of liquid filling machines in order to accommodate the needs of many different industries. Depending on the viscosity of your product, you may need a certain type of machine to handle the thickness (or thinness/foaminess). We offer machines such as:

  • Gravity fillers
  • Molten and portable molten fillers
  • Net weight fillers
  • Overflow fillers
  • Piston fillers
  • Pump fillers
  • Pressure fillers

To learn more about the different types of packaging machinery we offer, including air rinsers and more, contact E-PAK Machinery today.